CERT and a Coffee Lawsuits for Cancer
  • 27
  • September

The little-known nonprofit who reaped Millions By Taking Firms To Court Over Cancer Warnings

This piece is a warning to those who have legitimate business practices but have found themselves taken advantage of by an ambulance chaser who was out to tarnish their good name. If you fall into this category our team of reputation repair experts can help fix your Google & Social Media search results. Coffee is legitimately now sold in California without cancer […]

query auto complete for tiktok
  • 04
  • September

Query Auto Complete (QAC) Fixing

Query Auto Complete services are where we take traditional and influenced searches that appear in QAC and help to adjust them to say the type of terms that are more appropriate for your company or business. As the IEEE.ORG released an in-depth paper that you can read here that helps to introduce methods and the thinking behind working to remove and fix […]

4patientsafety.org Removal Services
  • 04
  • September

4patientsafety.org Removal and Deletion of False Complaints

Complaints about your practice or medical services may have been posted by a bad actor who is unfairly targeting you or your medical practice. This is more common than ever with the internet being the wild wild west of posting anything you want anonymously and having no consequences as the poster of this material. Fortunately for Doctors, our company can help remove, […]