4patientsafety.org Removal Services
  • 04
  • September

4patientsafety.org Removal and Deletion of False Complaints

Complaints about your practice or medical services may have been posted by a bad actor who is unfairly targeting you or your medical practice. This is more common than ever with the internet being the wild wild west of posting anything you want anonymously and having no consequences as the poster of this material.

Fortunately for Doctors, our company can help remove, delete, and fix false complaints that are posted online that are meant to hurt and defame your business.

The Medical board notes that they receive over 10,000 complaints against medical professionals, nurses, and doctors each and every year. Out of those less than 400 disciplinary actions are taken with medical boards leaving over 9,600 complaints that have no action taken. This may be because a large majority of the complaints are alleged and false as a way to make a money grab or are made by competitors and are completely false.

In cases of these false complaints our reputation management agency is here to help delete, remove, and replace this online content from sites like 4patientsafety.org.
source: documents

The Patient Safety League states that no one is immune from medical errors and in the days of COVID-19 that’s more clear now than ever given the situation of 2020 for the world, doctors, patients, the CDC, and WHO giving out medical advice.

Medical errors do happen and we err on the side of caution to help fix and replace negative information for any negligent behavior as the public has a right to know. We want to ensure your hospital visits are safe and not hidden by a bad actor who came to us to help fix and erase negative information online about them. If you were harmed by a doctor in California, Oregon, Washington, or any of the other 47 states let us know so we can put them on our no help list if the complaint is valid we will refrain from deleting potentially harmful information about them online.


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